The first Protector of the Grail and the King of the Grail is Parsifal, who carries within him the part of the Holy Spirit, He is the Law, He is the Alpha and the Omega for everything existing in Creation

He is of the Holiness of God the Father the most righteous judge of all life in this Creation

He holds the Golden Book of Life of all that has awakened and will awaken to his consciousness

He is the one who has the keys of all the places of Creation in His holy hands, because from the beginning He has acted in the Laws of Creation as the Living Will of God the Father.

As part of His Will, Parsifal is inextricably linked to His Father – the Holy God, the merciful Giver of all Life

In Parsifal, from the beginning of all ages, the Work of Creation has dwelt an all-wise, self-knowledge about the threads of life of all creatures and beings dwelling in Creation

In Parsifal, as part of his ministry, the union and uplift of the fervent thanksgiving and supplications of the inhabitants of Creation to God the Father is fulfilled.