As the Son of God, Jesus knows the Grail by nature of his origin
As the Son of God, Jesus perceives the Holy Grail by nature
Jesus knows all about what is fulfilled in the great halls of the Grail
His knowledge of this place is unprecedented, the place that links Creation at its highest point, where the Grail forms a permanent connecting bridge between God’s realm and the forefront of the throne of God the Father and what was subsequently formed as the promised realm of the spiritual kind for eternal duration
In the place of the Grail, Jesus went through the task given to him by His Father to bring Light and Knowledge of the Truth into the distant levels of gross-material in the lowest part of the Work of Creation, where people evolve in repeated lives so that they may once as mature in their spiritual kind come back to their true home, to the clear, spiritual levels of Creation and enter through one of the gates to the places of golden glowing streets in perpetual bliss
Jesus spoke of the Holy Grail with his disciples, and in the symbolism of the last supper that he prepared for those closest to him immediately before his captivity and crucifixion, he showed that in the proper, inward experience of the sacred feast they may participate in its splendor from the Divine, which in its inexhaustibility repeatedly pours power into Creation
Even here, on earth, so simple words, by which Jesus brought the great plot in the Grail closer to the disciples, conveyed the knowledge of the holy fulfillment that takes place high in the Halls of the Grail.
At the time of the merciful embedding of power from the Divine Light into the Grail Vessel, Jesus welcomed by the crowds of spirits, was raised through levels of Creation, He passed through the blissful spaces of the mighty Grail and returned through the gate made of Divine Glow to His Father
Until that moment, Jesus remained in the vicinity of the disciples for some time and spoke to some through his finer corp even after detaching himself from his tormented gross-material earthly body
At the time when Parsifal blessed again the gifted power in the Grail, Jesus helped the disciples by his proximity to the living experience of the power, through which they were inwardly raised to the Light and in places where they met to remember with open hearts their master, Jesus, they experienced a great gift with the influx of power from the Grail
At that moment, some of them were given a flame of apostle and they began their role among people
So Jesus always knew the steward and protector of the Holy Grail, Parsifal, whom He has also promised to his followers as one who is called the Son of Man and who will come to bring mankind liberation in the Truth and judgement to human spirits who, by the proximity of his Light – in the knowledge of His call – automatically would be divided by the Law of Creation into spiritually living and spiritually indolent
Jesus could no longer speak of the great happenings in the heights of Light and throughout the Work of Creation, for the souls of the listeners were not prepared to properly absorb and understand it
Jesus saw that the soil in the human beings to receive the great and higher knowledge had yet to come
He gave the listeners in His Word of Divine Wisdom and Love the most basic understanding that was needed at the time of His dwelling on Earth, so that people could slowly walk upward to the Light in fulfilling of his simple words
Knowing that Parsifal is the true king of Creation, and in its origin, comes from the Holy Spirit – Imanuele, is the brother of Jesus in the Divine and knowing that Parsifal is the permanently extended executive arm of the Divine Trinity for this Creation, must have remained distant for mankind for millennia
Parsifal was also allowed to see from the Grail heights the earthly pilgrimage of Jesus and his suffering, caused by the prevailing human narrow-minded behaviour, overbearing pretense and hatred
In a great circle of events, Parsifal judged the mankind and condemned them for the persecution and crucifixion of Jesus, for knowing the Truth in Jesus’ words and following it was given to each human being if only those with the seriousness of their spirit sought it
Jesus brought the Truth and the Word as a way out and liberation for mankind, who was wandering hopelessly in the depths of the gross-material world beings lukewarm and self-obsest, losing its way to the spiritual home
The journey of Jesus through Creation was accompanied from the heights of the Grail by multitudes of angels, spirits, serving beings who, in sacred joy, accompanied the steps of the Son of God down to the far-lying levels of earthly mass
Here on earth, however, Jesus was not known by anyone except for a small number of open listeners, of which only a few became his disciples and apostles
“Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing!” These were words that were carried through upper planes and pervaded the Grail halls as an intercession, bursting out of Love of the Son of God just before His last breath in earthly body
Parsifal’s fulfilling Justice based on the intercession of Jesus will penetrate like the blade of a sword through human hearts, reaching only those who at the last moment do not know Jesus in the true way and do not accept the magnitude of His real task
Jesus’ great help to the mankind was not in sacrifying himself and committing himself to death by crucifixion for the supposed redemption of human sins, as it was distorted and misunderstood by humans thought the passing ages. His help always and only consisted of offering the proper higher knowledge of the Word of Truth and of following it in daily life
It is only with the knowledge of the Grail that the mankind will accept the true understanding of the wonderful task of the Son of Jesus here on earth as this Father has installed from the beginning and how it remains forever
God, the Father sent His Son to help human spirits through the Truth, in which Jesus illuminated the true meaning and purpose of human being, so that once they could attain the bliss of the spiritual home at the planes of the Light
Parsifal is the promised king of human spirits and of all inhabitants of the Work of Creation forever, He is the Son sent by the God for the protection and maintenance of life in the Work of Creation.
Parsifal’s Justice and Omnipotence, with which he supports the lives of all creatures and beings in the Creation, is inextricably linked to the Lovingness of the Son of God, who bends down towards the Grail from time to time from the distant, blinding splendor of God’s empire in which he dwells together with his God the Father