ADDITIONAL TEXTS2019-10-02T09:54:18+02:00


Higher Planes of Helpers in Subsequent Creation – XVII. Hermetes

The effect of his action, sent forth in devout service to Mercury to the planes of the Worlds of Matter, acts as a cementing, bonding suction of the particles that, beneath his rod, at the top of which is a magnetically luminous glow, join together, obedient to the law of gravitation

Human Volition in the Fabric of the Threads of the Vanir

From this resultant, God's Justice, Which Parsifal holds in His Hands as the Warden of the Work of Creation in the Grail Castle, can truly discern in a single moment whether a human spirit is on its way to the Light or falls even further into perdition

Furies and Harpies

Considering that today, not even a fraction of men know anything about such things as the living/not living Furies monsters, arising from human thoughts and volition, one who thinks about it in depth must be shaken by the image that really exists in the finer world around us

Easter Resurrection – April 18th 2022

And it is at the time of this year when the momentous time of Easter combines with the time of the earthly birth of the Son of Man upon His coming to this Earth for the sake of His fulfilment of bringing the Message of Truth from the heights of the Grail to humanity, led astray spiritually by Lucifer, that the turning point, which is the beginning of the dawn of all life on the Earth, comes