ADDITIONAL TEXTS2019-10-02T09:54:18+02:00


Higher Planes of Helpers in Subsequent Creation – XIII. Haereiars

In Haereiars, therefore, a special kind of servant arose from this union, who rends and tears in the effect of his principle everything that is unsound, that deviates from its nature, so that this will eventually be expelled from the planes of Subsequent Creation, and a time might come for recovery

The Revitalising Home

And it is exactly the earthly woman that shall be this blessed place here on the Earth, this revitalising home, in her irreplaceable role as a mediatrix of the blissful forces that can come through her from the heights of Creation to this world

The Liberator

Those who are pure of heart and whose spirit calls for the Light should now free themselves from all that grips and weakens them in the endless differences of opinion of already visibly shaking human society when we can expect that many events are yet to boil over in full force into broad daylight

Uplifting Streams of Purity

He who senses in his heart only for a moment this image of genuine service, in its entire devoting of oneself to the Light, may divine a small part of what is held in the sublime happening in the Lily Gardens, the Gardens of Purity in the Heights of Light in the proximity to the Grail Castle