Dear friends of the CESTA GRÁLU website,
we increasingly receive inquiries about how you can express your gratitude for the published texts. You also ask about the possibility of financial support for the site.
Therefore, we have established an account to which donations can be made. We will use the donated funds to develop the site further and for other work in the forthcoming educational activity of the CESTA GRÁLU.
Account Name: Cesta Grálu
Account Number: 2227772223 / 6363
IBAN: GB08 TCCL 0099 7941 5959 18

* QR code for payment in CZK only
Tip: When paying in euros, use SEPA payment.
You can send us a single sum as a gift or set up a standing order to transfer a regular payment of your chosen amount.
What will we primarily use the granted support for?
– We are working to prepare book editions of the texts published in the Additional Texts section
– We are developing the activities of the EFEMERIDIS laboratory in many other directions
– We are exploring the possibility of an international meeting of readers of the CESTA GRÁLU website